Asphalt Emulsions




SUPER TACKZOL is a rapid breaking tack coat emulsion in which the curing time has been greatly shortened from previous tack coats.
It conforms to the PKM-T (non-stick type asphalt emulsion) of the Japan Emulsified Asphalt Association.


  1. Throughout the year, the breaking is faster than for previous tack coats, so that the curing time can be greatly shortened.
  2. The emulsion does not easily stick to the tires of construction vehicles, so that contamination of the road surface will not occur.
  3. The emulsion has outstanding adhesive ability after breaking, which enhances the paving durability.

Curing Times for Various Types of Tack Coats


  • Paving construction work in which the tack coat curing time is required to be shortened. (Intensive construction work, or construction work on main roads or in urban areas)
  • Locations near to toll gates or tunnels where there will be a possibility of concrete paving surface contamination.
  • Locations such as porous asphalt paving and bridge surface paving where a high adhesive strength is required.
  • Steep gradients or hill roads, intersections or curves which are subject to high braking loads.
  • Locations with many road surface markings such as roads in school zones or close to special facilities.
Condition 1 minute after spraying (Road surface temperature: 20°C)

Normal PKM-T
